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Labirynt - Motion Tissue


  • 1. Taum Trium Daka Eke 04:40
  • 2.TRIKONASANA 07:36
  • 3. BING BANG 05:44
  • 4.CASTILLE 07:12
  • 5. ZOLENA 08:01
  • 6. OREGON LAND 03:16
  • 7. ICEBREAKER 06:47
  • 8. SONATA GREEN 05:07
  • 9. MOTION TISSUE 03:41


Tom Bergeron - saxophone

Keller Coker - trombone

Henryk Gembalski - violin

Krzysztof Majchrzak - bass

Michal Zduniak - drums

It was at that restaurant where the Mexican waiter, upon learning that three of his customers were from Poland, announced that he's always wanted to visit Germany—but wait, I'm getting ahead of the story. Krzysztof, Henryk and Michal had arrived in Oregon for Labirynt's first US tour. We rehearsed in the Cascade Mountain town of Camp Sherman and were recording our third CD (the one you hold in your hands) at Michael's studio in Sisters. Ahead of us lay a series of concerts from the Coast to the Cascades, from Portland to Eugene. And so it was at that Mexican restaurant in Sisters that a young girl offered to Krzysztof the gift of an elaborately-folded and tied tissue. "Me and my friend like to invent things," she told us. "This is a motion tissue." Well, we like to invent things too; and so we offer to you, the listener, our own Motion Tissue. Pay it forward.

released Teal Creek Records USA 2007

“Strange meters, like 7/4, then jumping to 4/4, just to keep you on your toes, it seemed.  Icebergs by Krzysztof Majchrzak -- beautiful and very challenging.  All the pieces I heard in the set and a half that I was there for, were in this manner of work, sometimes more than a little atonal, or multi-tonal, still extremely organized and expressive”.

Jim Corcoran  (jc) JAZZ SOCIETY of OREGON 2006

“Muzyka tej grupy jest kwintesencją wszystkiego co najlepsze w electric- fusion -  jazz”

Tomek Wybranowski

36,99 zł
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